Terminator shell
Terminator shell

terminator shell

Ssh, which connects a terminal on one machine with programs on another machine.Screen and tmux, which provides a layer of isolation between a program and another terminal.GUI applications running in the X Window System: Xterm, Gnome Terminal, Konsole, Terminator, etc.Some types of terminal emulators include: Other terminals, sometimes called pseudo-terminals or pseudo-ttys, are provided (through a thin kernel layer) by programs called terminal emulators.

terminator shell

#Terminator shell serial

Some terminals are provided by the kernel on behalf of a hardware device, for example with the input coming from the keyboard and the output going to a text mode screen, or with the input and output transmitted over a serial line. In unix terminology, a terminal is a particular kind of device file which implements a number of additional commands ( ioctls) beyond read and write. Very early in unix history, electronic keyboards and displays became the norm for terminals. The name “terminal” came from the electronic point of view, and the name “console” from the furniture point of view.

terminator shell

Originally, they meant a piece of equipment through which you could interact with a computer: in the early days of unix, that meant a teleprinter-style device resembling a typewriter, sometimes called a teletypewriter, or “tty” in shorthand. terminal = text input/output environmentĬonsole and terminal are closely related.

Terminator shell